Temporary Local Rule

Posted on: 29 March

With greens being renovated the following temporary local rule will be in place until further notice.

On the putting green and in the immediate vicinity of the putting green free relief is available if your ball comes to rest in an aeration hole. A ball that comes to rest in an aeration hole may be marked, lifted without penalty, and placed within 1 putter head length to the spot where it laid where it avoids the aeration hole. The point of relief cannot be nearer the hole. You may clean your ball in all circumstances when taking relief under this temporary local rule.

Golfers are reminded that no free relief is available where aeration holes are in your line of play and of the following Rules of Golf:

13.c.1 – loose sand and soil can only be brushed aside where it is on the putting green. You cannot move sand and soil from your line of backswing, follow through or intended path of the ball if that sand/soil is not on the putting green. If you do remove loose sand / soil from your intended line of your swing or shot and that loose sand / soil is not on the putting green, the general penalty applies (2 shots).

13.c.2 – aeration holes cannot be repaired as they constitute “normal practices for maintaining the overall condition of the green”. You cannot repair them in any way, nor can you brush sand into them to fill them up. If you take action to repair an aeration hole the general penalty applies (2 shots).

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